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Challenges of cultural communication: between heritage and development

Accepting others and coexisting with them is the most important part of the law of evolution

Throughout life’s journey, an individual navigates through a myriad of experiences and events stretching across time and space, traversing various countries and exploring a multitude of cultures to unravel the details of the world in which we live and to understand the diverse and varied civilizations of others.

Cultural Collision

As one roams the Earth and encounters diverse groups of people, one sometimes clashes with the vast differences in cultures, civilizations, religions, and traditions. An individual might find himself enveloped by ancient myths and traditions, immersed in the details of his cultural and human heritage that spans thousands of years, considering it the sole truth and the ideal way of life.

Exploration and Reflection

When one begins to delve into books, articles, documentaries, and historical films, one finds himself in a whirlpool of doubts about his history, culture, and traditions. The challenge of accepting and understanding other cultures may propel some people to take courageous steps towards change and integration with the new reality, while others might choose to cling to their heritage and ancient cultures.

Intellectual Disintegration

Here, a phase of disintegration arises between the individual and his environment, where a tension emerges between one’s desire to adopt change and one’s inclination to cling to his past and culture. The pursuit of balance and the struggle between these two sides become the axis of life. Every individual, no matter how diverse his options and complex his experiences, finds himself compelled to find a way to coexist and harmonize with the challenges of life and its variables.

Heritage and Choice

An individual inherits his ideas, beliefs, and culture from the environment in which he was raised and the family in which he was brought up. He did not choose that culture, but it was bequeathed to him. In every stage of life, he has the choice to accept or reject those ideas and cultures. The greatest challenge lies in the ability to coexist and integrate with the changing world around him without losing his essence.


Facing changes, embracing differences, and absorbing other cultures are considered among the most significant challenges in life. However, the ability to achieve a balance between preserving cultural identity and being open to the world can provide an individual with a rich and varied life, full of learning, development, and integration with others. Balancing the dichotomy of preservation and acceptance in the evolving global landscape is a nuanced dance, serving as a testament to humanity’s enduring spirit and adaptability in the diverse tapestry of human existence.

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