
The difference does not express people

Disagreement does not spoil the friendship issue but turns it into a problem!


Many people find more differences in their concepts, behaviors, actions, and movements without feeling that this is part of their nature. Nevertheless, they consider it a concern. As a result, they resort to criticizing each other or ridiculing others, directing accusations against the behavior of individuals and groups, and the lack of acceptance by some people of different cultures or individual behavior.

All living beings, including humans, possess a unique congenital composition in their physical formations from others, in addition to some conditions in which they live in their surroundings and are affected by them, in addition to acquiring knowledge from reading and viewing and the quality of information that reaches them through the media, they receive a specific pattern of convictions that are reflected on his thinking, behavior, and dealings.

This is what makes people different in many concepts. They consider that whoever disagrees with them in opinion, thought, idea, or behavior does not represent them or belong to them. Therefore they face two opposite reactions, either considering them opponents under any justification or influential leaders with multiple names. It moves to the next stage after deciding to classify the difference from it, which is what is called (acceptance or rejection), and that is that I made a prior decision that this difference is undesirable, so I took it (enemy) and accordingly, either to get rid of it by any means, then start by inciting those who adopt it Or I lead a campaign to fight it, or I have to accept the difference and coexist with it, and allow him to take his own space that he needs to live in peace. In this case, he will become influential and expand his surrounding circle.

These differences exist in all beings in the universe but are in different stages and divergent methods and patterns. For example, the human felt that difference generates creativity and ambition and creates a prosperous, competitive environment, so he embraced it and began to rise in status and advance civilization. At the same time, other peoples found difference as a means to ignite wars and settle scores. , and the exclusion of opponents, so he benefited from it in expanding his authoritarian influence and used it in politics and religion to mobilize people.

In our present era, differences have become an essential part of our daily lives. As a result, people have become divided between those who must coexist with them and consider them part of civilizations and the progress of peoples and another party that considers them a means of revenge on opponents, mobilizing peoples towards civil wars, expanding political influence, and subjugating opponents to their ideological ambitions.

With the increase in the spread of social media and the overcoming of the media’s blocking of influential people, the differences have many changing faces. However, they are still subject to significant people shedding light on what they want the people to pay attention to.

For example, when differences flare up between America and Iran, the media begins to highlight the Sunni-Shia differences in the axis of Saudi Arabia and Iran or the Gulf and Iran and heats the regimes, peoples, and armed groups in the surroundings. However, at the same time, they become inactive at the first fog of a secret agreement, and people turn to concepts of coexistence, love, and peace between the Sunni and Shiite poles.

This is, for example, in the Middle East. As for the world, human rights, homosexuality, women’s rights, and even animal rights can be used as initial steps to mobilize people not to accept differences, although Europe, in particular, overcame these differences and decided after the second war to choose coexistence.
take the other, that benefit from differences in Building a great civilization that has become an example to be followed globally in less than two centuries. Nevertheless, its enemies find it difficult to ignite strife within it.

The most surprising thing is that much of the world believes that developing peoples, such as the Arab world, cannot coexist with differences and that differences constitute an obstacle in front of them and a challenge that is difficult to accept. Nevertheless, the Arab peoples and their regimes have overcome that far ago and are ready today more than yesterday for coexistence and peace. Moreover, what appears in the media is not a criterion for people’s opinions.

The Arab peoples, their systems, and their leaders are moving towards prosperous and rapid civilizational progress. Perhaps one day, they will be ahead of Europe, and that is that with each era, they become more aware, and even openly accept criticism of themselves, and practice coexistence in various forms behind the cameras, despite the magnitude of ignorance, poor education, and a weak economy.

It is required from them to join the culturally advanced world. At the same time, its economy collapses and administrative and political corruption is at its peak. but despite this, people are trying to reach their most beautiful moral images, advancing in regime changes and resisting ignorance in various ways.

The hatred of difference that appears on social media and the media is led by political regimes that have political influence that use religion, money, and the media to subjugate their opponents to recover political gains that they previously lost in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Libya, and Tunisia. However, they made a lot of efforts for the regimes to reach Up to this point. After that, it lost control, failed to continue, and was unable to recognize, so it was forced to use the mobilization of people not to accept differences.

Peoples continue to progress in civilization, accept differences, and move towards bright new horizons, welcoming all global initiatives. Within a few years, Arab people may become part of our developed world.

Because they have come to accept difference and consider it the new beginning, the people and individuals, families are proud of the difference in viewpoints among their children and build on them the horizons of their future and the ambition of their dreams.

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