تصميم مواقع الويب

لقد أنشأت العديد من المواقع الإلكترونية للعديد من الشركات والأفراد والمؤسسات ، وسأقدم هنا بعض الأعمال التي يحق لي عرضها.



المنظمات غير الربحية

Nada Foundation

The Foundation won an award with and for girls, Among the best organizations in the Middle East and North Africa

Newcaslte Arab Community

The Arab community in Newcastle, a non-profit organization that aims to help Arabs residing in Britain

Future Girls

A feminist organization concerned with girls’ rights, based in Britain and providing its services online for the benefit of girls worldwide.

المؤسسات الحكومية

Yemen TV

The official Yemeni channel is affiliated with the internationally recognized legitimate government and speaks on behalf of the state. The site and applications were built for intelligent devices and were fully managed with social media management for three years.

Government Gateway

The government portal is the leading portal approved by the government to provide service facilities to citizens, introduce rights, and how to benefit from government services.

Yemen Radio

The official government radio (public programme) is broadcasted on the Internet to reach a larger audience on the official website and applications on smart devices

الشركات التجارية

Shere Post

A website for writers, thinkers, and human rights activists, where it is published without human intervention, as news is pulled from Facebook, republished on the site and archived on search engines.

Graphics Men LTD

A company for graphics and web, and works to provide online services to its clients in designing the visual identity and building websites and intelligent applications

Eagle and Security Limited

A security company in Britain, providing security services and security guards for commercial and home centres and business people.

Who is Hothi?

A site that archives the events in Yemen and what an armed group did, which caused civil turmoil, displaced its citizens, made the legitimate government outside Yemeni lands and made the people enter into a crisis and isolation from the world.



Mama Noail (Shaima)

Mama Noel, a fictional character who emulates the feeling of Santa Claus, Shaimaa Al-Abbas, a human rights activist, plays the role of Mama Noel every New Year and presents a set of gifts and toys to children in areas that are under the authority of the terrorist ISIS, and was full of blood and destruction. The character tries to make the children forget the war’s effects in this region.

Dr. Abeer

Dr Abeer specializes in raising awareness and educating women about the importance of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, the website provides online booking services, consultation and communication, advice and guidance, and examination analysis.


Nada Alahdal

She is one of the most important human rights activists in defending minors, specializing in ending child marriage in Yemen and the Arab world, and she has a great struggle story. The website contains the most critical information, reports and news about her.


Gameel Azzdeen

The site is known as the most famous Yemeni journalist, and he has a high ability to influence society through his beautiful style of presentation. The site contains essential information, the latest tweets, what was said about him, and his biography.

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